

  • 【音樂與音效Music & Audio】
    周杰倫(1979年1月18日-),華語創作流行歌手,出生於臺灣新北市林口區,2000年出道歌壇,引起華語音樂界重大注目,周氏融合多元的主題與素材,創造出多變的歌曲風格,尤以融合中西式音樂元素的嘻哈或節奏藍調,廣泛影響西元2000年以來的華語音樂市場,開創華語音樂「中國風」的熱潮,並曾形成所謂「周杰倫現象」[1]。周杰倫獲得華語地區眾多音樂獎項,唱片的高銷售量在日益蕭條的唱片市場成為異數,近年跨足電影與電視界。明星粉絲收藏專屬!把你最喜愛的明星專輯、影音、圖片及動態訊息全收錄,建立你的粉絲小天地,just enjoy it!
    It is easy to use and has an elegant user interface! Star album, video, pictures and dynamic message all in ONE! just enjoy it! Jay Chou; (born 18 January 1979) is a Taiwanese musician, singer-songwriter, music and film producer, actor and director who has won the World Music Award four times. In 1998 he was discovered in a talent contest where he displayed his piano and song-writing skills. Over the next two years, he was hired to compose for popular Mandarin singers. Although he was trained in classical music, Chou combines Chinese and Western music styles to produce songs that fuse R&B, rock and pop genres. He composes all his own songs, as well as songs for other singers. * Available in the Taiwan only.
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