

  • 【教育Education】
    **針對3歲以上兒童所量身打造的學前訓練產品** MuMu&Me改編自榮獲世界80多國所肯定的台灣原創動畫卡通《MuMuHug姆姆抱抱》,以兒童認知及創造力為基礎,結合姆姆可愛的形象與幼兒教保原理,啟發孩子潛能,並於每集影片後製作互動式小遊戲,讓小朋友能在玩樂中學習! 5大特色: 深具感染力的角色 : 姆姆本身就像個幼兒,擁有學齡前特性,讓小小觀眾們對角色產生認同感,進而一起成長、學習。 專業企劃團隊 : 在兒童節目與教育領域深具經驗的編劇、顧問團隊,確保節目的品質。 五大教育主題: 數字、顏色、形狀、生活習慣、自然現象。 互動式觀賞體驗 : 節目中穿插問與答的各種小遊戲,鼓勵幼兒一同參與,培養孩子的專注力、想像力和觀察力。 英文配音 : 由專業的美籍老師配音,學習最正確。 以寓教於樂的教育理念為核心,結合特有的互動操作效果,讓您的孩子在歡樂遊戲氛圍中全方位地吸收各種小知識以及英文單字!
    ** An educational program with fun interactive games for kids 3+! ** MUMU&ME is adapted from the popular pre-school series MuMuHug, which has been sold to over 80 territories worldwide. MUMU&ME combines the presence of MuMu with principles of early childhood education to encourage kids to learn and hone their problem-solving skills ... while entertaining them to the fullest! FEATURES: - Appealing and infectious characteristics that enable young audience to identify themselves with MuMu, and to learn and grow together. - Topics Include shapes, colors, numbers, lifestyle habits and natural phenomena. - Interactive viewing experience with various Q & A games that encourage children to participate and foster kids' powers of observation, concentration, and imagination. - Dubbed by an accredited teacher from the U.S., allowing children to learn correct English. - Exquisite and refined visual design With interactive activities at the end of each episode, your kids will enjoy learning and absorbing all kinds of knowledge through playing games
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