3D coin pusher


  • 【街機和動作遊戲Arcade & Action】
    iPad專用,更加優質的HD版本。 彈射式推幣機與拉霸機究極合體! 有趣的機關和大量金幣掉落,爽度加倍的豪華推幣機遊戲登場! 遊戲特色 -金幣以彈射的方式飛落在機台上,需要一點技巧與運氣。 -3D製作的特別機台,呈現逼真的真實物理反應。 -結合推幣機與拉霸機,創造出多種有趣的娛樂效果。 -機台內建多種有趣的特別機關,可體驗推落大量金幣的快感。 -金幣輸送帶、機械禮兵、天使禮物夾、連鎖機關等等。 -特殊設計的推台,在關鍵時刻將會一分為三。 -數十種各類成就,等待玩家來挑戰。 -成就達成除了獲得基本獎賞,還可以得到特殊機台功能。 -花費一點點代價就可以獲得比大型機台更多的成就感和爽快感。 玩法 -觸碰螢幕上的指定區域,就可以發射金幣到想要的位置。 -將金幣推落畫面下方的指定洞口,就會啟動拉霸機。 -連續發射4枚金幣,準確地射入前方長溝,將會啟動加分機關。 支援機種 iOS4.1以上版本適用 同時支援iPad、iPad2。
    Coin pusher featured with slot machine! Fun and exciting contraptions. Douse yourself in coins. Feel the thrill of victory! Game features - The coins aren't just dropped; they are tossed toward the table. This requires finer control and luck. - Impressive 3D effects and physics. - Coin pusher and slot machine -- two games in one, double the fun! - Special surprises. Feel coins dropped galore. - Contraptions: coin carousel, goose-stepping, angel gift, and chain of events. - On occasion, pusher arm splits in three. - Dozens of achievements waiting to be unlocked. - In addition to prize for unlocked achievement, you get some special surprises. - It's much fairer than the real-life machines and it won't break your bank. How to play - Touch the screen to launch the coin toward your desired postion. - Slot machine is activated when a coin falls into the designated slot. - Launch 5 coins in a row into the trench, and get special benefits
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